Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) is joining other Senate Democrats backing an elections bill inspired in-part by voting challenges during the coronavirus pandemic. The measure is also receiving support from local elections officials.
Delaware is among many states that have postponed elections during the pandemic. And voters in Wisconsin expressed concerns this week about a lack of social distancing during that state’s primary election.
“If this pandemic, so far, has taught us anything, it’s that a competent response requires early planning and action and it’s clear our 2020 elections are at risk,” said Coons.
The bill, sponsored by Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), is an elections overhaul including measures like allowing 20 days of early in-person voting and no-excuse absentee vote-by-mail. It also requires states to implement ballot tracking systems, offer downloadable and printable ballots and a list of other measures.
Some officials from other states have expressed concerns about federal government overreach. Coons argues against that sentiment.
“This isn’t about a federal takeover of elections as our Secretaries of State will say, it’s about the federal government providing the resources and the framework for improving Americans exercising their right to vote without jeopardizing their health,” he said.
Delaware’s General Assembly is also proposing vote-by-mail legislation on the state level and Gov. Carney’s Emergency Order allows any Delawarean affected by COVID-19 to vote absentee.
Delaware Election Commissioner Anthony Albence says about 5% of Delawareans typically vote absentee and his office is preparing for those numbers to go up.
“We are working with our Postal Office partners to use some of the tools and technology on tracking that we have not used in the past but we plan to use in the future,” said Albence. “And we’re also looking—in light of the funding that will be needed for this we realize we’re going to have to shift our model a bit and acquire different equipment such as scanners and printers and things like that.”