Delaware delegation rejoices over failed GOP health plan

Delaware Public Media

House Republicans and President Donald Trump failed to rally enough votes to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act earlier this afternoon, leaving Delaware's lone congresswoman elated.

It’s the second straight day GOP lawmakers postponed a vote on the American Healthcare Act because they didn’t have enough support.

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) says she wasn’t sure for much of the day if she would have to cast a vote at all.

“As I was actually sitting on the floor of the House waiting to give my one-minute speech, we got the word that the bill was being pulled, so I think the first word would be ‘amazement’.  We were surprised it was being pulled,” Blunt Rochester said.

For now, the GOP will pivot away from healthcare legislation and toward tax reform, according to congressional leaders.

Blunt Rochester says she wants to work together with Republicans on legislation, dismissing President Trump's explanation that this effort flopped due to obstinate Democrats.

The bill ultimately failed when moderate and ultraconservative Republican lawmakers couldn’t agree on the terms of the legislation despite hours of negotiations.

Sen. Tom Carper (D) also weighed in, saying the GOP should seek Democratic input on any further efforts to edit the Affordable Care Act.

"We can improve the Affordable Care Act if Republicans give up on their unrealistic mission to repeal it. As evidenced by today, they’ve failed at going it alone," Carper said in a statement.

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