Wilmington Black Lives Matter leader Mahkieb Booker helped organize a voter registration drive in Wilmington Thursday on the heels of Black Lives Matter protests surrounding the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.
Booker said he met leaders from Philadelphia’s Black Lives Matter movements at the street-naming event for Aretha Morton a week ago.
He agrees with Philadelphia protesters that Hillary needs to do more for African Americans, and notes the community still has a hard time accepting the Clintons because of the 1994 federal crime bill.
“When you’re dealing with politics, you have to pick the lesser evil, so to speak. Pick your poison: die fast or die slow," Booker said. "And people are rallying around the Clintons even though what they did on that note because they know it’s far worse dealing with Donald Trump.”
He believes Clinton will do an ever better job of tacking police brutality than Obama, even though he thinks the community still needs to push the envelope.
Booker has personally pledged his support to Hillary Clinton and says devotion for Clinton was the norm among those he helped register to vote last Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Longshoreman Hall.
Booker is calling prospective voters to “dump the Trump.” He worries that a Trump administration could spell trouble not just for Wilmington, but the entire country.
“The only African Americans Donald Trump is appealing to are sellout, Uncle Tom, boot lickin’ huckelbuck shuckin' and jiving, dancing sellouts," he said.
The registration drive was organized after the passing of Senate Bill 242, restoring voter rights to people with felony records who haven’t yet paid all required fees.
The drives will continue to be held every Thursday at the same location throughout October.