Biden electrifies DNC with warning of Trump, praise for Clinton

Courtesy of C-SPAN

Democrats from Delaware and around the country were energized from Vice President Joe Biden’s fiery DNC Convention speech Thursday night.

Delegates inside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia screamed, chanted and rose to their feet as Biden guided them through what America looks like at its best.

Through the eyes of teachers, police, soldiers and others serving the country, Biden shared his vision of how the country is and should be, contrasting it with what might happen should Donald Trump become president.

Without calling Trump names, he told the crowd America would be “less safe” because of his lack of foreign policy experience and that he doesn’t have middle class values at heart.

“He took the road he had to take. There are a lot of voters out there who are enticed by what Trump is promising without understanding that the man doesn’t believe in anything, never really has and that’s scary," said Mitch Crane, chair of the Sussex County Democrats. “We can’t afford to take that chance.”

Lisa Goodman, who’s the vice chair of the state Democratic Party, says Biden’s words rang true for her.

“He was amazingly passionate and in Joe’s way, that only Joe can do, to call the type of rhetoric we’ve heard from Trump ‘malarkey’ is about as true as anything I’ve ever heard him say,” Goodman said.

Calling him a “secret weapon”, Goodman says he could effectively bridge what’s been a divide between Hillary Clinton and middle-aged, white, working class men in November.

"Tonight he reminded us that we can't be limited by our cynicism and bound to a leader so out of touch with the stresses of being middle class as to build a brand based off of firing people," said Andrew Wilson, a state Democratic Party member.

Clinton will formally accept her party's nomination for president during her keynote address tonight.

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