Legislation sponsored by State Rep. Krista Griffith aims to help registered voters navigate elections.
House Bill 82 would direct the Delaware Department of Elections to biennially mail a notice to all registered voters regarding polling locations and other election information.
Registered voters already receive polling location information and a calendar of important dates, but Griffith says her legislation adds to that traditional voter info.
"Since we already have a mechanism in place to let voters know where they can vote in person to also share with them information of how they might vote absentee if they meet one of the criteria,” said Griffith. “Or we do early voting in Delaware, or if they've changed their address or any additional information that might help them with making a plan to vote. So that is the genesis behind House Bill 82."
If passed, the notice will be mailed no later than 30 days before the primary election.
The early voting part is important because the bill’s sponsor State Rep. Krista Griffith says that’s a topic on the minds of her constituents.
"I talked to so many dozens of people on that last couple days before elections, and they had wished that they had that information ahead of time. So in response to those inquiries that I got directly from my constituents when I was talking with them before the election is how this House Bill 82 came to be," said Griffith.
The legislation also directs the Dept. of Elections to follow a procedure in existing Code for attempting to update and verify voting registration records should the notice be returned as undeliverable.
The bill is in committee, and Griffith is confident it will move quickly to the full House for consideration. The legislation has bipartisan support.