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Rehoboth city manager plans to step down

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After a little more than eight years as Rehoboth’s city manager, Sharon Lynn is leaving.

Lynn gave her notice to Rehoboth’s mayor and city commissioners last week catching some off-guard, including Mayor Stan Mills.

He says Lynn’s service to the resort was substantial, “She got here just in time to oversee construction of our Ocean Outfall Project from the (resorts’) sewer treatment plant. And she was also here to oversee construction of our new City Hall…both multi-million (dollar) projects.”

Sharon Lynn
Sharon Lynn

Mills went on to say that Lynn caught his attention from her very first interview in 2013 and once hired in 2014, she continued to demonstrate professionalism - all while tackling huge projects and issues, “She oversaw the upgrade of the City’s infrastructure, including technological capabilities; (she) introduced new accounting and financial software. She’s got such an impressive resume built up from the time that she’s been here.”

Lynn’s last day on the job will be May 6, 2022. In a release, Lynn noted that she has “no immediate professional plans.”

Mayor Mills also pointed out that Lynn was named City Manager of the Year by the Delaware League of Local Government in 2018.

Sharon Lynn came to Rehoboth from Provincetown, Massachusetts where she served as municipal manager from 2007 to 2013.

Mayor Mills says he and the Commissioners will begin discussing how to best move forward finding her replacement at Tuesday's Mayor and Commissioners meeting.

Kelli Steele has over 30 years of experience covering news in Delaware, Baltimore, Winchester, Virginia, Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California.