Falling gas prices this July good for Delaware motorists

Delaware Public Media

Despite the busy summer driving season, Delaware motorists are enjoying the falling prices this month.

AAA Mid-Atlantic reports the average price for a gallon of regular in First State dropped 5 cents from $2.64 to $2.59 in the past week. Motorists in Delaware are now paying nearly a dollar less than a year ago when the state’s average stood at $3.46.


Delawaregasprices.com reports there are just over a dozen stations selling a gallon of regular for $2.49 or slightly less, mostly in Kent County.

Delaware drivers are paying 13 cents below the national average, which fell four cents to $2.72 since last week.

Gas prices in the Mid-Atlantic region have been falling despite the increased demand this summer. A month ago, the average price for a gallon of regular in Delaware was at $2.78, 19 cents higher than it is now. According to AAA Mid-Atlantic, the low prices this summer is due to the low price of crude oil overseas. Some industry analysts say that it’s possible that gas may cost as low as $2 per gallon later this year.


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