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Musical Anything Goes taps into downstate's Milton Theatre

The Milton Theatre tackles a big show.

Cole Porter’s 1934 musical Anything Goes is anything but small - the show takes place on a cruise liner and is known for its brassy singing and large dance numbers.

In a space with only 250 seats, Anything Goes is a major undertaking So when the Milton Theatre decided to present the popular musical, the production team added some extra stage space with a grand staircase and levels.

And Brandon Ranalli, who is in the cast and also serves as Dance Captain, says the choreography is accommodating to the space.

“We have been using the stairs a lot within our dance pieces. We have a lot of partnering moments, which are really nice and that kind of creates a lot of levels. It has been a challenge but we have made it work and I’m really excited for the audience to see.”

Cole Porter’s 1934 musical Anything Goes is tremendously popular with professional and school and community audiences everywhere. The story features a cabaret singer, a Wall Street tycoon, gangsters and more mixing it up on a cruise liner.

Paul Weagraff plays the character Elijah Whitney. He says the Cole Porter musical endures with audiences for a variety of reasons.

“It’s a classic musical out of the tradition of huge, bombastic musicals with big, big dance numbers, smaller intimate scenes and a lot of really interesting characters.”

Anything Goes opens this Thursday (2/29) and runs for 17 performances through March 17th. For more information, visit the theatre's website at

Delaware Public Media' s arts coverage is made possible, in part, by support from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

Karl Lengel has worked in the lively arts as an actor, announcer, manager, director, administrator and teacher. In broadcast, he has accumulated three decades of on-air experience, most recently in New Orleans as WWNO’s anchor for NPR’s “All Things Considered” and a host for the broadcast/podcast “Louisiana Considered”.