The latest book from Townsend-based author Dante Brizill is out.
“Red Ball Express:” is the second in Dante Brizill's “Greatness Under Fire” series.
“The Red Ball Express were kind of like the essential workers of World War II; that term “essential workers” has become a part of our vocabulary over the last few months. Well World War II - after D-Day - when the allies had landed in Normandy - shortly after that they had a supply crisis,” Brizill said.
Brizill says the Red Ball Express was created to address that crisis.
It was a group of truck drivers making runs to supply the U.S. Army as it pushed out of France into Germany. Three out of every four of those drivers were Black.
Brizill claims this is not a well-known chapter in our history, nor a well-known story.
Brizill previously published "Dorie Miller: Greatness Under Fire." It tells the story of Doris "Dorie" Miller, a Black cook on the USS West Virginia who became a hero when the Japanese attacked Peral Harbor on Dec., 7, 1941.
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