Three new exhibitions set to open at the Rehoboth Art League

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Three new exhibitions open at the Rehoboth Art League (RAL) in April.
Kim Klabe, They’re not Cages, Black Hope Winery Red, Prismacolor pens and pencils on #400 watercolor paper,16’’x20’’ (Submitted Photo)

The Rehoboth Art League (RAL) features a trio of new exhibitions next month.



The three exhibitions open April 5, and the League’s executive director Sara Ganter says they offer a variety of work.

She notes “Contemporary Miniatures” includes a unique form of art that reduces overall scale - with nothing larger than 25-square-inches.


“So they maintain levels of detail and light and shadow. We actually provide magnifying glasses so you can look at the art,” Ganter said.

Ganter says another exhibit, “Dissolution,” features sculptures by Bill Wolff from Salisbury University, that reflect on evolution of form and expression, influenced by human gesture and architectural and social spaces.

The final exhibit is “Pours” by Kim Klabe.  Her work is created by pouring wine or dark beer on watercolor paper and transforming the dried organic shapes into figures and finished artwork.


“Kim Klabe came up with this new direction for her work. She uses a 400-pound watercolor paper - which has a lot of texture on it. She lets the liquid dry and then she sort of looks at the shapes and sees sort of what she envisions from that. Sometime it can take the shape of people….animals,” Ganter said.


An opening reception for those exhibitions is planned for Friday, April 5, 2019 from 5 until 7 p.m; they will run through May.


The exhibits are free and open to the public.


To read more about the Rehoboth Art League, click here.

Delaware Public Media' s arts coverage is made possible, in part, by support from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.


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Kelli Steele has over 30 years of experience covering news in Delaware, Baltimore, Winchester, Virginia, Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California.