Governor Jack Markell's Weekly Message - December 23, 2010

Governor Jack Markell discusses the importance of Delaware’s ongoing conversation about improving education in the state.  The state’s series of town hall style meetings about education, "Conversations about Stronger Schools”, concluded this week.

Governor's Weekly Message

Governor Jack Markell discusses the benefits that young leaders gain while participating in the Boys and Girls State Program.

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Full text of Governor Jack Markell’s weekly message:

For most of us, the best part of the holidays is the joy in the kids eyes – that moment of anticipation right before they’re about to tear into a present.

Or that instant after they’ve shredded the paper, tossed aside the box, and held up with eyes wide something you worked hard to get for them and they say:

“Wow. Look…. what I GOT!”

And while they may or may not treasure whatever it is that’s in their hands at that moment – the real gift is that you’re all there to share that moment together.

When it comes to the most critical issue facing our state’s long-term future – ensuring the strongest possible public schools – we’ve had some great moments together this year.

Moments that will, over time, give our state’s kids the best present possible – the ability to graduate ready to succeed in work or college.

While other places seem to encourage tension between their employers and educators, their administrators and taxpayers, in Delaware we’ve realized how critical teamwork is in making real reform possible.

And we’ve recognized that everyone has something to contribute. That’s why -

In schools all over the state, in gyms, libraries and auditoriums, we held a series of open Conversations about Stronger Schools.

People came, spoke their mind and shared their thoughts about our move to raise student standards on what’s considered proficient in math and reading and our efforts to tie performance more closely to results.

What teachers, business leaders and administrators

What parents, students and school board members

What senior citizens and senior officials all made clear -

is that for Delaware to remain a place of promise and prosperity, we need to stay focused on this issue.   Just because the formal “Conversations” are over, our conversation can’t stop.

The holidays will be over soon, and kids will be headed back to class.

And while the presents their parents worked so hard to get and so hard to wrap for them may be forgotten– if our conversations keep going and we keep making progress together – what our kids learn when they are back in the classrooms will keep on giving to them and the strength of our state’s economy for years and years to come.

Happy holidays and thanks again for all you do to keep Delaware… moving forward.

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