No summer vacation for Senator Kaufman

For a small-state junior U.S. senator who was a lame duck from the moment he took office, Delaware's Ted Kaufman (D) is wielding influence in ways many congressional veterans only could hope for.

The financial reform bill, which Sen. Kaufman has tirelessly advocated and worked to strengthen, passed this week and moves on to President Obama for his signature. Last week Delaware's junior senator made his fourth trip to the Middle East—a "more positive" one this time—visiting with leaders in Israel, the West Bank, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Egypt. Kaufman also took part in the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who is expected to be confirmed in a vote next week, and for General David Petraeus, who was unanimously confirmed on June 30 as commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

DFM News spoke with Senator Kaufman this week on these issues and other issues.  Click to hear excerpts from the interview.

Senator Kaufman says the worst time in the Middle East is when you're optimistic:

[audio:|titles=2 Middle East Settlements and Direct Talks]

On why concerns about Iran is making Saudi Arabia a more positive force in the Middle East peace process:

[audio:|titles=3 Saudi Arabia's Role in the peace process]

Addresses political progress toward development of a coalition government in Iraq:

[audio:|titles=4 Iraq's Coalition Gov't]

On waiting until the end of the year for a clearer view on the fate of next year's planned U.S. troop drawdown in Afghanistan:

[audio:|titles=5 Afghanistan and the July withdrawal]

Expresses his thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of the final version of the financial reform bill:

[audio:|titles=6 Financial Reform Bill good and bad]

Discusses partisan posturing in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan:

[audio:|titles=8 Elena Kagan and the Republican strategy]

Outlines his priorities in his final months as U.S. senator:

[audio:|titles=9 Efforts to work on before October]

Looks ahead to life after the Senate:

[audio:|titles=10 Did your time in the senate help for what comes next]

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